To start this post off, I'll tell you about Barnes & Noble.

I went there after school today, and I got (with my gift cards) Cecile and Marie-Grace Just for Fun, and the latest AG Magazine.
I love them both.
Now, for my less cheesy idea (which occurred to me in my mom's car):
Title: The Midnight Snack
What Happens: It's midnight, and Cecile and everyone else is asleep. Cochon starts squacking loudly, and Cecile Wakes up. "Chut! être calme, Cochon!" Cecile says, but Cochon still squacks loudly. "Alright," Cecile says. "I'll get you a snack." Cecile gets out of bed, and sneaks past everyone's bedrooms. She sneaks into Kaitlyn's pantry, and grabs the plastic container of pecans. She then sneaks them back into her room, and feeds Cochon. 

I personally think The Midnight Snack is less cheesy, but you may think it's not. Oh well.....


 P.S- by the way, the translation of what Cecile said is "Shh! Be quiet, Cochon!"  

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