Not sure what to blog today....


In one of my classes, we're reading a book called Journey to Topaz. It's a book about the Japanese-American Evacuation of WWII, written by someone who experienced it.
So... our teacher had us make a list of 10 things that we would bring if we had to leave, and for the 2012 half of the list, I put down Cecile.
I told my mom that I wouldn't go anywhere I didn't know without Cecile.  :)

I WAS listening to Kocchi Muite Baby by Hatsune miku, but my computer's went all funky.  :(

But, it's ok now.

Today my class went to the library, and I checked out 3 books.  Wanna guess?
Hint- websites....

When You've made your guess, read below the line.



Japan, Japan, and... (wow- who knew? XD) Japan.

Can you tell that I'm like obsessed with Japan? I'm sooooooo in love with Miku that I made a leek out of clay! (I lost my first one today... so I made another one when I got back from school.)



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