Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't spoken in awhile.

The reason is, the next day, after I posted "Easter Baskets", my Great Grandmother died.
I hadn't been expecting it for about another week, and I've wavered from a pit of sadness to sunshine for the past 2 weeks.

 Moving on...

 Yesterday, because I love Hatsune Miku, I made Nichole a 1/4 -th of the way good Megaphone. I'll have a tutorial up soon.

Sorry I haven't done anything about potterisourking. I'm still not sure how/if I want to do it.

Is it rainging and thunderstormikg where you likve? It's doing both this very minute (well, at least it was raining from 6-9 AM, and there's still thunder)

One of my friends sent me a pin from Pinterest for a doll closet. Here's the link:

It's got the dimensions, directions, everything.

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