First of all, my awesome friend told me about Weebly, and I created my first website. It's escalated into much more that I expected (in my opinion), and I'm glad I have it.

 I uploaded videos on YouTube. I put my works up there, and I wouldn't say they're amazing, but I'm glad I've made my impression on this world.

The 10th Anniversary.  I know, it was a really sad day, but it also represents how strong Americans can be: in the face of danger, we all support eachother. (no gloating intended)

The C&MG Contest. I ddin't win, but 20 lucky girls did, and I'm sure they are happy with their prizes.

I got 3 new dolls. I got Kaitlyn in May, Nichole in October, and Cecile on Christmas Day.

Our troops are back! President Obama announced that the US troops in Afghanastan were coming home.

Libya's Freedom. (don't know, ask parents, or your history teacher)

American Girl's 25th Anniversary. I'm glad that I've seen the 25th, and I hope to be excited when I see the 50th!  :D

GOTY. 9 Girls of the Year so far! (including Kanani) Can't wait to see the 10th in 2012!

Steve Jobbs. Wonderful man. Wonderful creator. The bringer of dreams to reality.

A dog and one of my family members passed away. :(

The last year before the leap year!   Wohoo! The Summer Olympics 2012 in London!

Did it seem like the year went by too fast? Whoo.

The tsunami and earthquake(s) in Japan. Sad, but I hope they're getting along okay.

Any events you want to share? Comment!


Oh, PS- in a few days, it'll be's 1 year anniversary!!!

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