My sister loves pecan pies.
So, if she comes, i can make her a pecan pie!
That, and Toasty.
She's always wanted a dog. :)
The person who created this website(who's identity is a mystery to us), their birthday is soon...
and i've heard talk of someone else coming to Red Star neighborhood.
We don't know anything about her, but rumor has it she's a dirty blonde, red eyes, and loves lime green.
i did a little research (more like looking at who's got a plane ticket to here), and i still can't find the name, but she came from out of this state, and i found a picture.
curse those rumors.
and curse me for listening to them.
She has hazel eyes, brown curly hair, and her favorite color is red.
Who started that rumor anyway?

Catch u later!

p.s- it's raining.  I'm scared.  To the reading corner! (to cuddle with licorice and read, of course)

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