Happy Valentine's Day!  :D    <3

 Today, my Mom got me an "I love You' bean sprout kit (when it grows, it has i love you engraved on the outside!), a snowglobe with a frog in it (with a heart), and some Sweethearts.
My Dad got me a Hello Kitty tin container with Hersheys Milk, Dark, and Kisses, and Reese's PB Cups (I gave those to my sis, though- not a big PB fan...).
One of my friend's moms made Ritz crackers with candy on top (AMAZING!!!), and another gave me a Reese's Chocolate heart.
I gave my friends Mad Libs Valentine's Cards.

I hope you all had an Awesome! Valentine's Day, got candy (or whatever- it doesn't matter!), and had F-U-N!




Title does not belong to us, but rather to a green alien frog from the planet Keron named Keroro created by Funimation. Keroro is Funimation's creation, quote from Valentine's Day episode, go watch Sgt. Frog.



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