I went to Justice and Michaels today, and here's what I got:
A pack of 4 pig erasers (J)
A Teddy Iwako eraser (J)
A Parfait Iwako eraser (J)
Ice cream eraser (M)
Hello Kitty school supplies: Mini stapeler, mini hole punch, mini pink staples, and mini tape (M)
And, best of all....
AG TRADING CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't think you could find those anymore, but I got them for .99 and Michaels, so I WAS SOOO EXCITED!!!!!

Laputa is a city in the sky in the Miazaki movie called Castle in the Sky. I finished it today, and IT'S AMAZING!!!!!  I had no idea that his films were so good until i actually sat down and watched My Neighbor Totoro.
He's coming out with a new movie, dubbed by brigit medler and david henry, called The Secret World of Arrietti.  I'm begging my mom to go see it.


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