OKay, so a few minutes ago, I came up with this new Ag idea from Harry Potter.
It has the sorting hat, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Parvati, and, yeah... that's it. (also guest starring Nichole, Cece, Josefina, Lanie, & KK)
 I can't really say much, cuz I want ti to be a surprise as to the goings-on in the story.
 It will be a movie, yes, and that's the Title up there, as far as now. Title may be changed. I'll tell you if  I do.
  The movie WILL- AND I WON'T TAKE IT BACK- consist of main things from every single book, INCLUDING Deathly Hallows.
 The movie will most likely be in 7 parts for the 7 books. So it will be easy to not watch what you haven't read.

So, if you're a HP fanatic, comment on here. I'm thinking about changing www.wearetheclub.weebly.com to potterisourkingclub.com
 If you'd like that change, just comment here.

  Well, that's about it for today...

Oh, the title does have something to do with the goings-on. I'd love to hear your guesses!   

-AGG  :D

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